HFM’s 200th Post Contest!

200th-Post-Contest-2Wow. 200 posts on this little ole blog! Sounds like it’s time for a giveaway. I just want to say thanks to you, as a reader, for coming back time and again to read my musings.

When I was going through infertility treatments, it felt good to be a part of the TTC blogging community who were all going through the same thing. Blogging through our second year of trying to conceive kept me sane.

And going through all the crazy ups and downs of pregnancy after finally achieving our goal… coming to my blog to vent was such a balm to the soul.

Now as a parent, I love having access to a platform where I can announce all the insane parts of this new gig. I have no idea how parents were able to raise their kids before social media. If I couldn’t log online to find someone who is going through my exact same situation at the same time… I’d be more nuts than I already am.

The blogging community inspires me. And I can’t thank you all enough for commenting on blog posts, letting me know that I’m just as “normal” as any other parent. Knowing that there are folks who read my posts is what helps me keep my hand in this writing thing I like to do. Someday I’ll publish a book. And someday, I’ll have more articles printed in periodicals. Maybe someday I’ll even be featured on HuffPost.

But for now, knowing that someone is out there ready to read my posts twice a week helps me stay in the game. I may not be able to participate fully in NaNoWriMo this year, but I will not give up on my writing dreams! So thank you for that.

OK! Enough with the sappy talk. Let’s get to the drawing.

Last year I gave away a $25 Target gift card. I asked on Facebook what kind of giveaway we should do this time, and one voice rose above the rest. AMAZON GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY! (Imagine I announced that in the style of Oprah Winfrey.)

That’s right! I’m giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card to one person who comments ON THIS POST. (Not on Facebook or Twitter…must comment below in the comments to enter.) I’ll use a random number generator to select the winner on October 16, 2014.


 If you’re not dressing up, no worries. Just let me know you’re entering for the gift card. 🙂

Best of luck and thank you again for reading my blog! You mean the world to me!

*This giveaway is NOT sponsored by Amazon. This is just something I’m doing on my own.*

19 thoughts on “HFM’s 200th Post Contest!

  1. I am not dressing except in all black and my witches hat to pass out candy. Our family loves Holloween, and its my youngest grand daughter’s 12 birthday.

  2. I wanted to do a giveaway for my 100th post too but I missed my opportunity. 😦 I’m probably not going to dress up for Halloween but I so want to dress Tru up as a pumpkin for his birthday party. 😉

  3. Pingback: Blue Skies & Orange Pumpkins | Hungry For Motherhood

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